How to disable insecure password warning in Firefox for Selenium?

If you use Selenium and Firefox version 52 or higher for running the automated tests and your development site does not use SSL, you will get the following warning when entering passwords on your login page This connection is not secure. Logins entered here could be compromised Firefox will also open the URL in a new …

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Prototypes in JavaScript | JavaScript & Object Oriented Programming | Part 11

In the Previous Tutorial, we explored Getters and Setters in JavaScript. In this tutorial, we’ll learn about Prototypes in JavaScript. Inheritance is one of the most important aspects of Object-oriented programming. Unfortunately, JavaScript does not implement inheritance the same way as other modern programming languages like Java, C#, Python, etc do. In JavaScript, inheritance is …

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Getters and Setters in JavaScript | JavaScript & Object Oriented Programming | Part 10

In the Previous Tutorial, we learned the following – Adding Object properties to an existing Object When to use bracket notation to access object property? Adding methods to an existing Object Removing Object properties from an Object Getting the list of object properties Filtering the properties using typeof operator In this tutorial, we’ll learn about a popular …

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Adding, removing and iterating Object Properties | JavaScript & Object Oriented Programming | Part 9

In the Previous Tutorial we learned How to implement Abstraction in JavaScript. It was great to know that we can hide complexity from the end user and show them only essential details while declaring a Constructor Function. In this tutorial we’ll have a closer look into object properties and learn the following – Adding Object …

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How to implement Abstraction in JavaScript | JavaScript & Object Oriented Programming | Part 8

In the Previous Tutorial, we learned the following – Every object has a constructor property that returns the function used to create that object. JavaScript has a built-in Constructor Function Object() that creates the object literal. In JavaScript, functions are also object. Like objects, functions also have a constructor property.  JavaScript has another built-in Constructor Function Function() that creates …

Read moreHow to implement Abstraction in JavaScript | JavaScript & Object Oriented Programming | Part 8

Built-in Constructor Functions in JavaScript | JavaScript & Object Oriented Programming | Part 7

In the Previous Tutorial, we learned how to create objects by using Constructor Functions. We also saw the magic of the new keyword. So far we have learned all three ways to create objects in JavaScript – Object Literals, Factory Functions and Constructor Functions. In this tutorial we’ll learn about some built-in Constructor Functions provided …

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Setting up environment | JavaScript & Object Oriented Programming | Part 2

In the Previous Tutorial, we learned the following – Is JavaScript an Object Oriented programming language? What is Object Oriented Programming (OOP)? What are OOP principles? Why should you care about JavaScript and OOP? Prerequisites for this tutorial In this tutorial we’ll continue that learning and setup our system so that we can learn by …

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Interacting with the Elements in the page | Getting the list of elements and Child Element

In the Previous Tutorial, we learned to locate elements and perform the action on them. In this tutorial, we will learn some advanced ways to locate elements. Getting the list of elements with the matching locator Sometimes we may need to find all elements on the page that matches a particular locator. For instance, get …

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WebDriver Exceptions

Every programmer has to deal with exceptions or errors. Often beginner programmers get dishearten if their code start throwing Exceptions and they have no clue how to deal with it. In this tutorial, we’ll dig deeper to Exceptions world and will try to make friends with them. If you want to be an efficient programmer you …

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